Solar refrigerators as part of the improvement of food safety and living conditions in 20 shepherd settlements
This project brought the implementation of some basic services through the installation of solar lighting systems and solar refrigerators for shepherds of 20 selected homes in various mountainous areas of the country. These devices facilitate communication with their relatives through cell phone charging through this system, provide information by making TV systems available and provide food storage as well as lighting in mountainous areas. These services are essential to the improvement of the livestock quality, developing dairy processing businesses and increasing consumer food safety. They also serve as a basis for the development of agro-tourism and mountain tourism in these deep areas.
The project has distributed and installed 20 photo voltaic systems that include lighting and communication equipment as well as solar powered refrigerators in order to meet the demand for these products and to promote and implement this clean and innovative technology for other destinations and users.
This project was supported and financed by GEF – UNDP.
Public awareness beside the moratorium for forests protection in Albania
The purpose of this project was to raise the awareness of the community and chain actors in the Gramsh region on sustainable forest conservation and management through the implementation of the national legal framework for forests and the government’s moratorium on stopping the use of forests throughout the country for one period of 10 years.
The project objectives were:
- To monitor the implementation of the national law and forest moratorium in the Gramsh area.
- Raise public awareness and train value chain actors in sustainable conservation and management of forests.
Results achieved by the project:
- the forest situation in the region and the country improved
- reduced deforestation and greater reforestation
- improved biodiversity preservation
- improved natural landscape, reduced soil erosion, increased carbon sequestration
- better knowledge and enforced national legal framework on forests, improved forest monitoring
- the digitization of the forest map and forest data system realized
- improved communal forest management.
This project was supported by REC Albania through the ACHIEVE 3 Program and financed by the European Union.
Solar panels use for plant pest control in Albania
The main project goal was to support organic farming development and climate change impacts mitigation in Region of Lushnja District through using of solar panels for intelligent insect control.
The project objectives were:
- to create incentives for local communities to produce sustainable agricultural products directly linked to sustainable management practices.
- to improve the quality of agricultural production.
- to increase food security and food safety.
- to reduce chemicals use and production costs.
- to improve environment protection.
- to create a positive model on organic farming development and on alternative energy use.
This project was supported and financed by GEF – UNDP. It was successfully implemented during 2015 and the effects of the project are being closely monitored.
Cultivation of medicinal plants for supporting Roma and Egyptian women farmers in Albania
Considering the bad situation of Roma rural community in Albania, MedAlb Institut has implemented a project entitled: “Cultivation of medicinal plants for supporting Roma and Egyptian women farmers in Albania”which aimed to support and improve the employment and education of Roma/Egyptian women farmers and to increase their familiar income through cultivation of medicinal plants in their farms as well as to develop their agri-environmental, trading and entrepreneur skills, to meliorate their socio-economic integration and for respecting their social, economic, cultural and political rights and to fight their discrimination in Albanian society.
This project was supported by UNDP and financed by the European Union.
Conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of medicinal plants in the region of Malesia e Madhe, Shkoder through training and awareness of the value chain actors
The project of MedAlb Institut supported the implementation of training courses and seminars for actors of value chain of medicinal plants in regions of Malesi se Madhe, Shkoder, which is the most important area of growth, cultivation and collection of medicinal plants, with the aim of enhancing and strengthening the capacities of actors of value chain of medicinal plants in the area, improve their knowledge and skills in application techniques, norms and national and international standards of the collection, storage and sustainable use of genetic fund of medicinal plants and the conservation of species at risk of extinction.
This project was supported by REC Albania through the SENIOR A Program and financed by the Sweden Government.
Cultivation of medicinal plants for supporting women and girls of the families in vengeance in Shkodra District
This project was developed and implemented by MedAlb Institut supported by RDP Northern Albania in the Shkodra district and financed by Austrian Development Cooperation. The project provided aid to women and girls of the families in vengeance by helping them to cultivate the sage plant (Salvia Officinalis) in their family lands.